With all the heat we've been having in Northern Virginia the kids and I have been keeping our outside time to a minimum. It's just too hot for a 4 month pregnant woman and two under 3 to be outside! But we've been having fun in our new home!
Slowly but surely we've been getting the house unpacked. The kids rooms are coming together and the basement is turning into a great playroom and guest room. Our room is shaping up well, but the dining room is a DISASTER! That's where all the boxes that aren't unpacked are living right now. The dining table is up, the china hutch is up, but you can't really get into the dining room because of all the boxes. I keep thinking one day they will just start unpacking themselves.... right? Guess I need to get to work. Hopefully soon the house will be in order and I'll have some photos to post!
Sweet babies watching movies with mom and dad. Our new tradition of family movie night! |
Maya is taking ballet and tap - she's a natural. Ok, she does spend a lot of time getting distracted by the mirrors in the room, but she is so much fun to watch. Sagan loves watching it too. He's such a great guy, sits watches and enjoys the entertainment.
Dancing Queen - one of my favorite photos of her dancing! |
My sweet Sagan watching big sister |
I'm doing well with the pregnancy. We've decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise! Since we have one of each that are perfect in every way, we are going to wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl. We're working on names. Like we did with Maya and Sagan we will probably keep the name choices a secret until the baby gets here.
That's about all for now. Looking forward to cooler weather!!!
Here's a few photos of the kids from the past few weeks.
Sassy Maya |
Maya's teacher Miss Liz |
getting ready for ballet |
she loves her "clap shoes" |
rainy day in the new house |